Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This is kinda cool... I was tasked to storyboard up these frames for a spot featuring Ford vehicles that combines hand-drawn marker, video, and motion graphics. The style is based on the RSA animates stuff on Youtube.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Yeah! Anton in 2013!

The A-train is steaming along! My boy Dave posted my bumper sticker on his car like a true American, took a photo, and posted it on his Facebook, with the very funny caption: "Not sure what exactly he's running for in 2013, but i'm looking forward to his stimulus package." Paint the White House brown in 2013!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tonic is a sub-nickname of "Anton", and I sketched out a retro 1950's sign using that nick-name. I didn't do the illustration; I just found some stock photo online and used it. When I'm not feeling lazy I'll add my own.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Racist Pistachios

I was bored at work, so I decided to do a little arts and crafts project.

My co-worker was drawing smiley faces on her pistachios and putting them on my cubicle for fun, so I decided to send her a little pistachio project of my own.

Addendum: I showed this picture to Henry, who said the most profound thing:

"Their shells may be a different color, but inside, they're all the same nut."
-Henry Venrick

MLK Jr would be proud.