Sunday, June 19, 2011

Mark and I's secret project...shh...

So my friend Mark and I are working on a major art project that could get us our own art gallery showing. The purpose is basically combining advertising and illustration into fine art, with the premise being sexy cartoon animals (that can be barbecued) selling grills. Mark's quite the chef and grilling is his passion. So Mark approached me with his idea, and I jumped. His idea for a double entendre headline is, "Grilling. It's how MEAT wants to get DONE."

We went back and forth on all kinds of edible animals, and sexy ways they can be shown posing with the grill. A roasted pig was an obvious choice, but what kind of sexy fetish could we apply to it?

My first thought was to have a pig in S&M bondage. It would be tied, or trussed up, with an apple as a ball-gag in its mouth. I went back and forth with Mark on sketches, trying to make the pig look a) sexy, and b) like it wanted to be involved in S&M. I couldn't.

So I came up with a compromise to Mark: could I take the innocent lamb/school girl outfit idea and apply it to the pig? Mark was okay with it, and we decided on this sketch.

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